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Ready for marriage?
Tabz1's World

Honestly answer these questions.

(Hate to step on some toes but I have to comment on the above title, if the relationship is not headed toward a possible marriage should you really be in the relationship? Or do you just wanting to play with someones mind and emotions? )
Ok here is the check list of qusetions to ask your self... be honest:

- Am I on the rebound of another relationship? (You shouldnt be)
- Are they on the rebound from another relationship?
- Am I a whole person? or do I need someone are you just going to use them to fill your need?
- Are you happy being a single person? A happy single person will be a happy married person, but an unhappy single person will be an unhappy married person.
- What are the priorities in their life?
- Where does their future seem like its headed?
- Do they flirt with all members of the opposite sex? Red light!!!
- Are they truly a strong Christian?
- Do I know their heart, their vision, their strengths and weaknesses?
- Would you be evenly yoked?
- Do I have a great friendship with this person?
- Have I known them for a long time?
- Are they plugged into a healthy church or body of believers?
- How do other people view them, especially the people that know them best? Do they have a good reputation?
- Do I know the good and the bad about them? Have I seen them upset?
- Do they have the same standards of purity as you do?
- Are my parents, the people I look up to, people who really love me, and my spiritual leaders in agreement?
- Do I have accountability set up for the relationship?
- Who are their closest friends the people they look up to and who influence them?
- Are their friends mostly of the same or opposite sex? If they are of the opposite sex, will that be ok after youre married? Same for you and your own relationships. There needs to be balance.
- How do they treat their parents? (Especially look at father/daughter and mother/son relationships This is a good sign of how they might treat you someday.) What are they like when they are around their friends and family? Do they change or compromise?

- Do they tell the truth? Are they trustworthy?
- Are they manipulative? Do they try to get you to do things that you dont want to do?
- What do you know about their past? Does it still have strong hold on their life?
- Do they keep things hidden?
- Have you given your heart away already? Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard you heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
- Are they faithful and responsible with the things already in their life such as job, school work, money etc (That says a lot about them)
- Do they have a personal faith (relationship with Jesus)? If so, what is their present ministry?
- Are you attracted to them?
- What are your views and convictions on drinking, drugs, swearing, movies, TV, and plays?
- Do both of you have the same goals and vision for your life that fit together? Make sure your seeking God on what you should do with your life, instead of just following their plans, God might be calling you to do something huge and you might just miss hearing what hes trying to say. (What happens if God is calling you to be a missionary when they are planning on being a farmer?)
- You will eventually need to discuss if you both want children and how many
- You should also discuss how you plan to handle money. Will you have any debts going into a marriage and whose responsibility is it to pay them off?