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Tabz1's World

This is a picture of my horse Nuget and I..old senior pic

Here you'll find out all sorts of  things about me.

Color: Blue
Birthday: April 8th, 1981
Movie: The Patriot, The Lion King, and many others
Food: Chicken and broccoli alfredo and Carmal Twix and Kitkat candy bars

Book: I really like the book "Boundries" lately and the Bible
Song: I wanna be Clean by Nick Gonzales of Salvador... it always changes though it seems every week.... so don't take it at just this song
Music: Worship Music
Career goal:  Family counselor, Missions, Women's ministries, a Mother.... 
Favorite things to with friends/ hobbies: Play foos ball, ,camping, nature, traveling, mission trips, Playing guitar, dicipleship, ministry, playing with kids, reading,writing, Soccer, Volley Ball, talking and meeting new people.
Large Influences : Jesus =) , My dad, John Graves, Keith Green, My brother Steve, Pastor Peter Haas, Dave Hazs, Ron Luce, Jim Peterson, Tim Enarson, Dan Call, Paul Davis, and my teachers now at the Focus on the Family Insistute
Close friends : Sarah Serman, Kimberly Hansen, Shaina Stigen, Lisa Niehaus, Jenny Holmen, Amber Kargus, Mellissa Steen, Little Sarah, Julie Van Wyhe, Nichole MCcoy, Jessica Cauto, Jamie Fry, Paul Davis, Ruth Draeger ....
School: North Central, MN
Other Involments in: Counseling department practicum
Job: Work in  computer Lab and at CBF elderly homes when I'm at home in Wisconsin.
Describe your family: There's my mom and dad (They both rock) I love them. There are six of us kids in the family. My oldest sister April is married and has 3 boys. My bother Steve is married and lives in IL and has a two year old son who looks just like him and a 10 month old little girl.  My sister May is married to a man who is in the Army and they are always moving around because of that. They have one little boy who is five and a little girl who is three and a baby girl whom I have not met yet who is 9 months old.Then there comes me. My younger sister Ruth currently in her third year of of college at UW- Stevens Point. I miss this girl so much, he was always at my side growing up since she is only two years younger than me.  My youngest brother Samuel is 16 and is a Junior, He'll be getting he's dirvers license pretty soon. He's the baby of our family but is the tallest in our family. How that happens I don't know.

My Life Mission statement

I Tabitha Draeger, will seek first to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind. I live my life by the word; as a women of God, not of the world.

I'm called to stand and to die to myself daily, beat my body and live not for my self but for the one who created me. When I fall down, I will get back up again.
I will passionly pursue loving those around me by teaching and living the truth; That they may know the reason for life and come into a deep relationship with the way, the truth and the life, Jesus Christ.

summer 2003

Some friends from Washington

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Proverbs 3:5 " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."