Here is a list of to read books that I gathered while at the Honor Academy from my friends and leaders
1. The Screw tape letters- by C.S Lewis 2. The pursuit of God- By A.W Tozer 3. The Case for Christ- By Lee
Strongel 4. No Comprise- Melody Green 5. More then a carpenter- by Josh McDowell 6. The Mark of a Man-
by Elisabeth Elliot 7. Pure Desire- by Ted Roberts 8. The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership- by John Maxwell
9. Gods Armor bearer- by Terry Nance 10. Peace Child- by Don Richardson 11. The Sacred Romance- By Brent
Curtis and John Eldredge 12. Boy meets Girl- By Joshua Harris 13. Practice the presence of God by- Brother Lorance
14. Passion and purity- by Elisabeth Elliot 15. Let me be a Woman- by Elisabeth Elliot 16. Lady in Waiting-
by debby jones and Jakie Kendall 17. In his face- Bob Sorge 18. You are what you say- by Karen Buton Mains
19. building one another- by Gene Getz 20. Intercessory Prayer- Dutch Sheets 21. Developing the Leader with
in you- John Maxwell 22. Be a people person- John Maxwell 23. God Chasers- Tommy Terry 24. Devine Romance-
By Gene Edwards 25. The Final Quest- By Rick Joyner 26. The Call by Rick Joyner 28. Close Encounters
of the God kind- Jessie Duplantus 29. When God writes yoru love Story- By Eric Ludy and Leslie Ludy 30. The prayer
of Jabez By Bruce Wilkinson 31. The wounded Spirit By Frank Peretti 32. The five love Languages by Gary Chapman
33. And the bride wore white by Dannah Gresh 34. E.M bounds on Prayer 35. Sinners in the hands of and angry
God By Jonathan Edwards 36. Hinds feet on high places by Hannah Hurnard 37. The practice of the Presence of God
By Brother Lawrence 38. A tail of three kings by Gene Edwards 39. ( Good book to just look at) Portraits by Steve