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My Beloved Child,

Singleness is a blessing and not a curse.

As your father, I am hoping to show you my heart and watch while you grow in me just for us to together.

I have called you away from home, the past, and even your family.

You see I want to develop our relationship.

I want so badly to show you my love and let you get caught up in my presence.

I wish you could wake up rejoicing in each new day that I give you and just wondering what adventure I have planned for today.

You and I have the whole world as our playground.

But the one thing I wish most of all is that you cherished these moments alone with me as much as I cherish them.

Because you see, I know one day I will have to release part of you to another man.

Yes, this man will be the one I chose and set apart for you, because I wanted to bless you.

Yes, Marriage is wonderful and it is a gift from me, but so is singleness.

Singleness is a time of separation, but also a time of learning to be strengthened and fulfilled only in me.

I have longed for these days when we would be alone together and I could teach you the meaning of true love and intimacy.

First , I want you to be fulfilled in me alone and see me as the one to meet your every need.

I love you too much to give you a blessing too early because I know it would then become a curse.

Yes, your husband is out there and it wont be long before I bring the promises to pass, but I want us to delight in every minute I made for us.

You see I know the day is coming when I will have to face the hurt of every father, when he walks the woman that he still recalls as a helpless little girl down the long church aisle to give away the hand that grew so quickly from a child to the woman now by his side.

As father and daughter begin hand in hand down the aisle, they will always treasure those last special moments before the father gives away his little girls hand to become the wife of another man.

That is the road we are on and oh! I cling to every last moment that I have you completely by my side.

I am the father and I see the alter approaching ever so quickly.

I just wish these moments were as special to you.

My heart is grieved for it seems you are running towards the altar, content to let me creep slowly on behind.

Wont you rejoice in these moments with me?

My child, I am your father and I love you with a love beyond what you can believe.

I would love to have you here in my lap forever, but I know that would not be best for you.

You see it was my love that birthed this desire for marriage in you. I loved you so much that I wanted to give an example of my love in the flesh (someone who would physically be there to hug you, because you longed to feel my loving arms but werent there in the flesh. I wiped away the tears when you wanted so badly to audibly hear my voice whisper, I love you. I felt the pain when you needed a loving smile to melt all those fears away).

I am the answer to every one of those needs, but my love is strong enough to send you someone in the flesh to love you through.

So dont be sad or discouraged when you see others getting married.

Dont think I am making you wait because you are a hopeless cause.

Maybe I just want you all to myself a little longer. Please dont run away from these days in search of greener pastures. I planned this time just for us.

I love you . . . .Your Daddy God

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