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Marriage Books
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Focus On The Family Institue Marriage Books

These are the books I read on marriage while I was at FFI in the order of my favorites sorta, the bold ones I really liked too, some I need to re-read or I didn't get to read the whole book but I know these are all top marrige books!

1. Wolgemuth & Devries The most important year in a women’s/ man’s life 

2.Tough Love by Dobsen 

3. His Needs Her Needs by Dr. Harley's

4. Smalley & Trent’s The Two Sides of Love
5. Swenson’s Margin
6. Burkett’s The Complete Financial Guide For Young Couples

7. Penners Getting your sex life off to a great start ( NOTE: this book is graphic, direct, informative’ excellent introduction to sexual intimacy in marriage’ highly recommended if engaged or close to it, but probably more than you want to know if marriage is more than a year off.)

8. Gift-wrapped by God ( good for all, but highly recommended for all women who anticipate marriage) 

9.  Nelson’s The Book of Romance ( outstanding for any and all- especially for men)

10. Elliot’s Passion and Purity ( good if “ Single” minded and eager to strengthen purity in the single years.)

11. Gary Thomas Sacred Marriage
12. Gary Thomas Sacred Parenting
13. Dobson’s Love For a Lifetime
14. Warren’s Finding the Love of Your Life (Good for all’ especially good if wondering whether or not he/she is “The One” 
15.  Parrotts Getting Ready For The Wedding ( Good if engaged and wedding is fast approaching).
16. Stanely’s A Lasting Promise (Basis for widely used Christian PREP training’ gives great techniques for communication and resolving conflict)
17. The Five Love Languges
18.Healing Damaged emotions (good read if you battle low self-esteem, perfectionism or depression)

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