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Books on this Subject:
  1. Cloud’s The Mom Factor
  2. Collins, Family Shock
  3. Vitz, Faith of The Fatherless 
  4.  McGee’s Father Hunger
  5. Dobson’s Bringing up Boys

  6.  Dobson’s The new dare to discipline

  7. Dobson’s The New Hide or Seek

  8. Smalley’s Bound by Honor

  9. Jantz, Hope, healing and help for eating disorders

  10.  Arterburn’s Every Man’s Battle

  11. Nelson’s The Book of Romance

  12. Carroll’s Sometimes Miracles Hide

  13. Rev. Ring’s Living Joyously

  14. Dobson’s Preparing for Adolescence

  15. Reisser’s Complete baby and childcare

  16. The family portraite

  17. Mcdowells The New Tolerance 
