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Christian World View
Tabz1's World

Reasources for engaging with culture

( Forum of all kinds of World Views, as a Christian an opportunity to engage, Caution it will test the very  foundation you stand on)


Some good books on this topic
  1. Boa, K. D. ( 2001). Faith has it's reason: Any integrative approach to defending Christianity.
  2. Colson, C.& Pearcey, N ( 1999). How now shall we Live?
  3. Guiness, O.( 2000) Time for Truth: Living free in a world of lies, hype, & Spin.
  4. Hunter, J.D( 1991) Culture Wars. The struggle to define Amearica
  5. Kirk,R ( 1991). The roots of American Order.
  6. Lewis, C.S( 2001). The Abolistion of Man
  7. Medved, M ( 1992). Hollywood v. America. Popular culture adn the war on traditional values.
  8. Moreland, J.P ( 1997). Love your God with all your mind.
  9. Nicholi, A.M ( 2002). The question of God: C.S Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the meaning of life
  10. Paine, T ( 1989). The Age of Reason.
  11. Postman, N. ( 1985) Amusing Ourselves to Death
  12. Romanowski, W.D.( 2001) Eyes Wide Open
  13. Schaeffer, F.A( 1984) The Great Evagelical Disaster
  14. Sire, J.W( 2004). The Universe Nest Door. A Basic Worldview Catalog ( 4th ed.)
  15. Veith, Jr., G.E.( 1994) Postmandern Times. A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture.