The summer after I graduated from High school 1999 summer I went on one-month mission trip to Ghana, Africa with Teen Mania
Ministries. This trip Rocked!!!! God did some amazing things in my life and in the lives of the people we reached out to.
It gave me a real heart for missions and for the world. It really changed my outlook on the world and on life, plus I met
some really amazing people. I plan on going as a Team leader the next trip I go on with them. Teen Mania is an intense mission
organization. If you want to get plugged into missions for the summer, they are a GREAT place to go through!
This is a picture token in Garden Valley Texas. (Thats Teen Manias base) Youth come from all over the United states and even
different countries sometimes, they meet in Texas for there training before they go out to there countries. This is a picture
of one of their sessions. Notice all the flags, they are the different countries groups are going to! Its amazing to be in
such a place where so many people have such heart to reach the world with the gospel.
Teen mania's web site