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Schram's/ AMF tent camp
Tabz1's World

AMF stands for American Missionary Fellowship. The Schrams are AMF Missionary's. They taught a VBS at a rock town hall just down the road from my house. Ever since I could go I went to their Vacation bible school while growing up. After I was too old to go one of the leaders challenged me to go to their bible camp in Alma Center and I went to their teen tent camp and have been going back ever since to help them out. I have taught VBS for them and been a Tent leader for many of their camps! The Schrams and the staff Ive grown close to seem kinda like family to me!


Here is a really good friend of mine here name is Shaina. She is so fun! She's just graduated from the Honor Academy 2000-2001. I met her at the Schram's Tent camp! She is a great person! she has been such and Encouragement to me with such a love for God and such boldness!!

Shaina's Newest Site!

Shaina's web site

Shaina's site when she was at the Honor academy


Tent camp's web site

Here is Josh and Ben Schram. They are brothers! They are some of my friends From Alma Center Wisconsin. I have got to know them though the years thougth, Teaching VBS, Tent camps, that they have at their house and Super Saturdays and other stuff. They traved around the country in a Christian band called Arc this last year 2000-2001. No they diden't play these instruments. This is just a silly picture they took at their house. Josh is now at Moody college and Ben just returend from a summer in CO. I love these guys!
