AMF stands for American Missionary Fellowship. The Schrams are AMF Missionary's. They taught a VBS at a rock town hall just
down the road from my house. Ever since I could go I went to their Vacation bible school while growing up. After I was too
old to go one of the leaders challenged me to go to their bible camp in Alma Center and I went to their teen tent camp and
have been going back ever since to help them out. I have taught VBS for them and been a Tent leader for many of their camps!
The Schrams and the staff Ive grown close to seem kinda like family to me!
Here is a really good friend of mine here name is Shaina. She is so fun! She's just graduated from the Honor Academy 2000-2001.
I met her at the Schram's Tent camp! She is a great person! she has been such and Encouragement to me with such a love for
God and such boldness!!
Shaina's Newest Site!
Shaina's web site
Shaina's site when she was at the Honor academy